Scuba diving in Gota Abu Ramada

From Boat
Average: 12 m
Maximum: 16 m
Average: 10 m
Maximum: 30 m
Gota Abu Ramada was also named the “Aquarium”, due to the variety of marine life. The depth of the dive site is around 100m/300ft with average water visibility 20-25m/65-80ft. There is an abundance of hard and soft corals and a great variety of marine life.

When to go

All year long. The water is warm year round and ranges from 22 to 28C/71 to 82F.

What to see

Wall, reef, corals and gorgonian fans, pinnacles, bannerfish, anthias, parrotfish, angelfish, butterflyfish, eagle rays, snappers, triggerfish, turtles, goat fish, barracudas, sweetlips, trevallies.

Reachable from

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