Scuba diving in Hin Saam Sao

Average: not available
Maximum: not available
Average: not available
Maximum: not available
Hin Saam Sao is located 5km/3mi off the northwest coast of Koh Chang. This dive site has some nice corals and rich fish life, but sometimes has poor visibility due of its close proximity to land. It is home to large, white gorgonians. One side of the reef was destroyed by dynamite, but it is recovering. The average depth is 11m/36ft and the maximum depth is 16m/52ft. Diving can be done by boat.

When to go

The best time of the year for diving is from October until May. On average, the visibility is somewhere around 5-15m/16-49ft, and the water is nice and warm. Temperatures between 28-30C/82-86F are normal. Most of the time there is a gentle current that keeps the water clear.

What to see

Corals, rich marine life.

Reachable from

Liveaboards with trips to Hin Saam Sao

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